Welcome to Lynk.Net!

This website is being made as a personal project for learning experiences and sharing my created content/projects with others. This is mainly just a sort of portfolio for my skills and experience in many different catagories. It is not by any means a professional website but rather a creative sandbox for everything I want to showcase in it.

Skills Showcase
(Not all skills shown)

Content Creation

I do tons of content creation throughout various platforms! I do this as I enjoy helping others and making other peoples days just that little bit better. If you're interested then visit my contact page to learn more.

Server Hosting

I host servers for many different games and services. These include but are not limited to almost all major multiplayer games that I play, webservers, and file servers for hosting downloads.


I am great at building custom PCs, I have yet to build a custom computer from scratch but I have some plans in the works!

Web Design/Coding

I do web design and other types of coding as a hobby, I enjoy learning new coding languages and testing my limits aswell as learning new skills anytime I can. I am still learning graphic design though..


I run my own servers which are currently being ran on a custom networking solution in my office.

3D Modeling/Printing

I am learning 3D modeling and can measure and create decent models with no issues currently. I am also knowledgable on 3D Printers and print new items often! Check out my Projects page to see some of my projects!


I am learning how to create, repair, and maintain various types of electronics. This includes the ability to solder and micro-soldering aswell as the ability to understand and create circut diagrams.

Game Development

I have always wanted to be a game developer and have made various unfinished prototype games in my time. I work with friends relatively often on their projects and currently have my own game in development.

Curious as to what is being worked on?

If you're interested in what has been changed and or worked on with this website recently, check out the updates page here.

Want to know more about Lynk?

If you're interested in knowing more about Lynk_Wyland, such as how he got his name and how his original character came to be aswell as various other details, then click here.